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The Day After....

I will have to admit that my first night of Technology in The Classroom was quite daunting.  It was a million pounds worth of information crammed into 3 hours of time after I'd been working ALL day.  My strategy was simple:

1 - Take lots of notes.

I have had the priviledge of having Dr. Thompson-Price in an undergraduate course and I will be the first to say I love the way she teaches.  She is interesting, VERY passionate about what she's teaching, and funny.  I can definitely think of worse ways to spend 3 hours of my time!

Other than information overload I think I survived pretty well.  I created this blog while I was in class, set up my electronic portfolio, and learned about some really cool tools!  Here are a few sites I learned about:

Weebly - You can set up a web page REALLY easily and do so in different formats.  Best part of this was obviously it was FREE.

You can monitor how my portfolio is coming and even access my blog from there by going HERE.

Titan Pad - A really cool word proccessor/collaborator.  You can actually invite your friends and you can work via a type pad editing and working on work.  I have to say this is probably going to be a God send especially when group assignments are given.

Course Sites - This is where we are all interacting and where Dr. Thompson-Price is putting our class assignments and easy resources.  It is laid out really well, is user friendly, and allows me to email other students within our group.  I know it was free for me to join, I'm not sure if it is free or not to create your own page, I haven't investigated it that much yet. 

Spelling City - Now this really has nothing to do with what I learned in class, but was a link Dr. T-P had posted on the board.  And when I visited the link I loved the site and thought what a great resource for my kids!  They love to play games and this site focuses on spelling and vocabulary.

How Stuff Works - Great website maintained by the Discovery Channel.  This website was mentioned in my text book and I paid it a visit and did a little reading on weird science!  I learned about spontaneous human combustion.  There are all types of things to learn and because I like to be in the "know" I think I'll become a frequent visitor

Today is the first day of many homework days to come.  I've printed out my articles for my annotations assignments, picked a blog for my blog posting assignment, and I still have more work to go.  My goal for today is to complete my legal brief assignment in my Legal Issues course, and read a chapter of the assigned reading and complete 1 annotation and my blog post summaries plus a chapter for my technology course.  It is a lot of work, but with still much more work to go before class next week I have to get moving now.

Tomorrow I'll share with you if I actually made those goals and hopefully will be able to share with you what I learned by completeing those goals.

Until then!  May God Bless You and have a wonderful day!


  1. Hi Shannon,
    Yes! CourseSites is free for teachers to use. It allows you to have 5 courses running at the same time but you can have others set up and not active. I don't understand how Blackboard can do this and possibly make money but they are doing it so I'm willing to take advantage of it. And, even better, they provide great support. I chatted w/customer service and got an answer as quickly as if I was a paying customer :) Glad you like coursesites!


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