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Craft Supplies and College....

We are now working on our end of the month projects and we are having to do an OLD fashioned tri-board for a presentation.  I see nothing wrong with this, it keeps you grounded and makes you realize what students in elementary through high school go through.  With that being said, I am so happy at this point in the course that I have enough craft supplies to open my own store.... literally.

Having all of these wonderful supplies did not stop me from going out to buy more.  Heck no, Hobby Lobby was having a killer sale!  30% off of Cricut items.  And since I have a Cricut Expression and about 15 different cartridges, the only thing I could possibly need and find useful is Cricut Design Studio.  So I went out, spent my money, and came home with CDS so I could begin working on my Tri-fold.  I'm half tempted to do what I do in my other blogs, and that is take pictures of what I've done and post here... but I won't.. partly because I'm too tired to add to this homework assignment, and partly because I'm just too darn lazy right now!  It's Saturday and I have so much still to do.  

My main purpose for spending money on this piece of software was so that I could "weld" my words.  I am working on the titles that will be put onto the Tri-Fold and instead of cutting out each letter and placing them on the board individually I wanted to make one word that would be cut out as a single piece.  And I got it home, and I installed it, and it worked!  Hurray for my Bug!  I have used this thing for so many weird things it is worth the money I spent on it, and the crowds I fought 2 years ago at the Day After Thanksgiving sale to get it. 

At any rate, I visited the Cricut website today AFTER I bought my CDS, and it looks like the folks over at Cricut are making a program called Cricut Craft Room.  And its FREE.... and it does the SAME thing the CDS does... only a bit better.  However, since they aren't done working out the bugs, I still needed the CDS to do my project.   And the stinking video made me want an Imagine machine.

I hope everyone in my class is having an easy time with their project.   I'm honestly looking forward to and dreading the next 2 classes that start in June.  I'm exhausted and feel like I work non-stop.  But, I really feel it is going to be worth it.  I'm going to have a Master's degree when this is all said and done.  Who would have thought?!


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