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Showing posts from April, 2018

The "Ripple" Effect ~ DonorChoose.Org

Like thousands of other teachers, I was amazed, excited, and very grateful to a company I'd never heard of called Ripple.  Many already know that Ripple donated 29 million dollars to and funded over 30,000 teachers!  What an amazing gift for students and teachers!  If you didn't hear about it, check out this broadcast! I know that everyone just wants to know the amazing items I got for my classroom.  Well, it was 1 item really, with some accessories.  I asked and received a 3d printer (This is a FlashForge 3D printer.  You can check it out HERE ) and the filament for my classroom due to the generous donations of family and Ripple!  I can't even begin to explain the excitement when I told my students.  They have been researching and telling me about all the cool projects we could do with a 3d printer, and I already have several plans up my sleeve!  One includes making catapults for a measuring and data collection pro...